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World Tour

Did you ever have a dream? Well, I didn’t. Ok fine, of course I had a dream! But let’s get serious here, I’ll never be able to levitate or control objects with my mind or any other awesome superhero power (unless the good Doctors find a way to replace my skeletal structure with Adamantium). All that nonsense behind I just wasn’t the kind of person to point at one thing or profession and say, “That’s what I want to do for the rest of my life!” One might ask oneself how, in this great nation of opportunity, I managed to thoroughly not give a damn, but for me it just wasn’t that simple. Sure, I wanted a lot of money, a nice car, and a big house. Who doesn’t? Some people call it the American Dream, Others call it Great Expectations, and still others call it by a more informal name. Ambition. For whatever reason, I never gave a damn. More importantly, I still don’t. The concept of finding a job that requires 40+ hours of my week in exchange for a paycheck and having to constantly deal with other amazing people who hate their job as well never sat well with me. And for those of you who say “Find something you love doing and make it your job.” I have 1 word for you. Capitalism. That’s right, I just went political but bear with me for just a moment. Let’s say I had decided to go to college after high school. Got my-self a fancy degree and a whole lot of debt. 8/10 chances the job I just spent 4-8 years training for has gone down the tube and the “Dream Job” I worked so hard for either no longer exists or has an overabundance of overqualified drones who have been waiting for the same thing i’m now looking for for months. So now I have a student loan and a job at Mcdonalds. better yet, how about a nice cushy job swinging a hammer in construction? oh wait…construction has gone to hell in a handbasket all across the country if not the world by now. Bottom line, I didn’t go to college. I’ve dubbed myself a “Jameson of all trades”, which means I can do any job moderately well but nothing exceptionally and therefore I live job to job as opposed to paycheck to paycheck. What is the point you ask? Why have I told you all about this aspect of my life? Because I realized I can be a Jameson of all trades wherever I want. More importantly, I’ve started doing it. This blog is that story and whether you agree with me or not and whether you like it or not, just remember one thing. I don’t give a damn.


Traveling Blog

Random Thought #42

Recently I was confronted with a disturbing revelation. Men are weak. Yes, I am a man and I’m still admitting this. Call me crazy, or stupid, or even a traitor to my sex but this will remain my opinion unless men as a majority change the way they behave. Whether they are conversing with other men, or with someone of the opposite sex men tend to assume certain factors, such as the character of the person they are talking to, or their intelligence, especially with women. These assumptions are truly an affront to the relationship regardless of the circumstances and tends to cause a serious imbalance which not only hinders the potential of said conversation but also decreases the probability of truthfulness. This post is a work in progress so feel free to argue with me and help me shape this post into something concrete and substantial.